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Av Lady Gaga - 1 maj 2010 10:46


Så fin!

Av Lady Gaga - 30 april 2010 18:29

Han e en aning konstig? Han lite läskig också! Haha!

Å tack så mycket för dom underbara kommentarerna!

Av Lady Gaga - 30 april 2010 13:38

1 vecka kvar tills Gaga kommer till sweden!

Jag ska se henne den 7:maj å det ska bli

så kul! ska du gå?

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Av Lady Gaga - 30 april 2010 13:33

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 Japp, enligt Gagadaily så ska Lady Gaga börja spela in
videon till ALEJANDRO idag.

Av Lady Gaga - 30 april 2010 06:48

“I first heard the name Lady Gaga through a mutual friend. He couldn’t stop talking about her. Then I heard her music, and I thought, Wow, I love this kid.

“An artist’s job is to take a snapshot — be it through words or sound, lyrics or song — that explains what it’s like to be alive at that time. Lady Gaga’s art captures the period we’re in right now. These days, you go to a club and wonder who all these kids are. They don’t seem to have jobs. How can they afford to be here? Her song “Beautiful, Dirty, Rich” explains that scene. It’s about the New York prep-school party kids she grew up with. It’s where she came from. Gaga’s lyrics are incredibly literary. When “Bad Romance” starts, the music grabs your ear immediately. Then she opens with the line “I want your ugly/ I want your disease,” and all of a sudden you’re listening. Most of the stuff on the radio is not very clever, but Gaga presents her ideas in a sophisticated manner. She has an incredible pop sensibility.
People forget how young she is. She is barely 24 — much younger than I was when I became famous. It’s very tough being where she is right now. People are pulling her in all different directions. It’s hard to navigate that. Try to imagine what you were like at her age, if you still can. I can’t wait to see how she grows and what she decides her next act will be. She only has two albums out, but already she is inspiring other artists to go further in their own work.

“When I see somebody like Gaga, I sit back in admiration. I’m inspired to pick up the torch again myself. I did an interview with her once, and she showed up with a sculpture on her head. I thought, How awesome. Being around her, I felt like the dust was shaken off of me. I find it very comforting to sit next to somebody and not have to worry that I look like the freak. She isn’t a pop act, she is a performance artist. She herself is the art. She is the sculpture.”        

Av Lady Gaga - 29 april 2010 14:12

Så himmla bra!

Av Lady Gaga - 29 april 2010 14:05

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 Lady Gaga spelade in sitt framträdande för
American Idol igår. Det kommer att visas den 5:e maj.




Like the blog post mentioned it was this black leaf/fishnet bodice. Her face was covered with it too. The leaves were woven into the fishnet and just placed in random patches on her. One piece was also right along the side of her mouth and also her forehead. At the beginning of the performance she's at the piano with a big black veil over her face that also extends to the floor as a cape. When she leaves the piano one of the dancers holds the end up like a bridal train. She dances with the veil/cape until a dancer comes along and unties so she can strip it off.

And of course the shoes! She wore some killer looking black lace up stiletto boots. Her hair was still blond and teased huge. It fell to just a little below her shoulders. It was a little more contained and wavy during rehearsal but by the last take it was sweaty and pretty sexy bed-headish looking. So you'll either see that hair or a stage in-between the waves and sex hair.

Plus during the second take there's a big smear of fountain blood across her chest during the whole performance from when the dancers sat her in the fountain on the first take. She wasn't supposed to do the second take but the audience was cheering for another and she wanted to go again.

Also the piano was black and the top was covered with branches to match the two trees from the tour on either side of the stage. It took the crew forever to wheel those in! At one point they even got one of the tress stuck on some lighting equipment suspended from the ceiling. A small section of leaves broke off and now someone at Idol owns a piece of Monster Ball. Along with the fountain there were also two benches from the tour as well."

Av Lady Gaga - 28 april 2010 19:36

Lady Gaga ser fantastisk ut i pastell och neon!

Lady Gaga ser fantastisk ut i pastell och neon!

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